A Bibliography for Sarah Bernhardt and Her Times
A Bibliography About and Relating to Sarah Bernhardt and Her Times
This is a somewhat comprehensive bibliography and was assembled from books and articles the playwright read when doing research. To find more books about Sarah Bernhardt, go to: https://cap.banq.qc.ca/search/ec9c85a3-0a67-4f99-9bbf-15f52c99eb96 and enter Sarah Bernhardt in the search line.
Age: Sarah Bernhardt in Old Stage favourites: Theatrical reminiscences, 2 September, 1933.
Anon., An Englishman in Paris Volume II: The Empire (D. Appleton & Company, 1892).
Anon., La Bibliotheque de Mme. Sarah Bernhardt (Paris: Librarie Henri Leclerc, 1923).
Adam, Eve (ed.), Mrs. J. Comyns Carr’s Reminiscenses (London: Hutchinson, 1925).
Adam, Juliette. Mes illusions et mes souffrances pendant la Siege de Paris (Paris, 1896).
Agate, James. An Anthology, ed. Herbert Van Thal (New York: Hill and Wang, 1961).
Agate, May. Madame Sarah (London: Home & Van Thal Ltd.. 1945).
Andry, Marc. Edmond Rostand, la Panache et la Gloire (Paris: Plon, 1986).
Antoine, Andre. Mes Souvenirs sur le Theatre Antoine (Paris: Grasset, 1928).
Annunzio, Gabriele d’. Gabriele d’Annunzio a Georges Herelle. Correspondance. Introduction de Guy Tosi (Paris: Denoel 1946).
Archer, William. The Theatrical ‘World’ of 1893-1897, 5 vols. (London: Walter Scott, 1894-1898).
Arvidson, Linda. When the Movies Were Young (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).
Arthur, Sir George. Sarah Bernhardt (New York: Doubleday Page & Co., 1923).
Aston, Elaine. Sarah Bernhardt; A French Actress of the English Stage (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1989).
Auerbach, Nina. Ellen Terry (W.W. Norton, 1987).
Auster, Albert. Actresses and Suffragists (New York: Drama Book Publishers, 1983).
Australian: The Bernhardt Season at the Princess’s, 20 June, 1891.
Australian Town and Country Journal: Sarah Bernhardt as Tosca, 27 Sept. 1890, p.30.
Australian Town and Country Journal: ‘Bernhardt’s Sydney Reception,’ 30 May 1891, p.35.
Auvergne, E,B, d’. Pierre Loti. The Romance of a Great Writer (Paris: Werner Laurie 1926).
Bancrofts, the. Mr. and Mrs Bancroft on and off the Stage (London: Bentley 1888)
Bancrofts, the. Recollections of Sixty Years (London: Murray 1909).
Banville, Theodore de. Camees parisiens (Paris: Pincebourde 1866).
Critiques. Choix et preface de Victor Barrucand (Paris: Charpentier 1917).
Banu, Georges. Sarah Bernhardt: Sculptures de L’Ephemere (Paris: Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites, 1995).
Baring, Maurice. Punch and Judy (Garden City, NY: Doiubleday Page & Co., 1924).
Baring, Maurice. The Puppet-Show of Memory (London: Heinemann, 1922).
Baring, Maurice. Sarah Bernhardt (London: Peter Davies Ltd., 1933).
Beerbohm, Max. Around Theatres (London: Hart-Davis, 1924).
Beerbohm, Max. More Theatre (Taplinger Publishing Co., 1969).
Bell, W. Bruce. Show: The Man Who Outwitted Sarah Bernhardt (October, 1964).
Bennett, Arnold. The Journal of Arnold Bennett (New York: Viking Press, 1932).
Bennett, Arnold. Paris Nights. (New York: George H. Doran Co., 1913).
Benson, E.F. As We Were (New York: Longmans Green & Co., 1930).
Bergman-Carton, Janis. Art Journal: Negotiating the Categories: Sarah Bernhardt and the Possibilities of Jewishness. Vol 55, No. 2 Summer, 1996.
Bernhardt, Lysiane. Sarah Bernhardt ma Grand’mere (Paris: Editions du Pavois, 1947).
Bernhardt, Sarah. The Art of the Theatre (New York: Benjamin Blom, 1924)
Bernhardt, Sarah. A Christmas Story, Tr. from the French. In the Silver Fairy Book (London: Hutchinson, 1895).
Bernhardt, Sarah. Un Coeur D’Homme (Piece in Quatre Actes) & L’Aveu (Drame en Un Acte) (Paris: Charpentier Et Fasquelle, 1911).
Bernhardt, Sarah. Dans les Nuages. Impressions d’une Chaise (Paris: Charpentier, 1878).
Bernhardt, Sarah. The Idol of Paris (New York: The Macaulay Company, 1922).
Bernhardt, Sarah. In the Clouds (New York: Peebles Press International, 1977).
Bernhardt, Sarah. Memories of My Life (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1907).
Bernhardt, Sarah. My Double Life: The Memories of Sarah Bernhardt (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999).
Bernier, Georges, catalogued by. Sarah Bernhardt and Her Times (New York: Wildenstein, 1984).
Billy, Andre. l’Epoque 1900 (Paris: Editions Jules Tallardier, 1951).
Binet-Valmer. Sarah Bernhardt (Paris: Flammarion, 1936).
Blaisdell, G.F. Moving Picture World: Bernhardt in La Tosca. New York: Chalmers, October, 1912.
Blanch, Lesley. Pierre Loti (A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983).
Bolitbo, William. Readers Digest: Bernhardt’s Pageant of Death. March 1937.
Booth et al. Bernhardt, Terry, Duse: The Actress in Her Time (Cambridge, 1988).
Bordeux, Jeanne. Eleonora Duse. The Story of her Life (London: Hutchinson, 1924).
Bourget, Paul. Outre-Mer - Impressions of America (London: 1895).
Bradford, Gamaliel. Daughters of eve (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1030).
Bradbrook, M.C. Paris in the Bernhardt Era: Collected Papers, vol. 2 (Sussex, 1982).
Brandes, Georges. Correspondence (Copenhague: Rosenkilde og Bagger, 1952).
Brandes, Georges. Reminiscences of my Childhood and Youth (London: Heinemann, 1906).
Brandon, Ruth. Being Divine: A Biography of Sarah Bernhardt (London: Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1991).
Brazier, M. H. Stage and Screen (Boston: The Plimpton Press, 1920).
Bremont, L. Le Theatre et la Vie. Souvenirs. Preface de Romain Coolus (Paris: Ferenczi et fils, 1930).
Brereton, Austin. Sarah Bernhardt, A Biographical and Critical Sketch. (Sydney: Marcus and Andrew, 1891).
Brownlow, Kevin. Hollywood: The Pioneers (New York: Alfred A, Knopf, 1980).
Bush, W. Stephen. Moving Picture World: Queen Elizabeth. New York: Chalmers, August, 1912.
Bush, W. Stephen. Moving Picture World: Bernhardt and Rejane in Pictures. New York: Chalmers, March, 1912.
Buson, Dani. Sarah Bernhardt (Paris: Publications Willy Fischer).
Campbell, Norman. Life Digest: Great figures of Our Stage, No.24, Ristori and Bernhardt, in, July, 1940, pp.12.18.
Campbell, Mrs. Pat. My Life and Some Letters (London: Hutchinson, 1922).
Carr, Daphne. Pictureplay: The Last Role of Sarah Bernhardt. New York: Street and Smith, November 1923.
Castalot, Andre. Sarah Bernhardt (Paris: Le Livre Contemporain, 1961).
Caward, Neil G. Motography: Sarah Bernhardt at Home Review. Chicago: 1915.
Champsaur, Felicien. Dinah Samuel (Paris: Ollendorff, 1882).
Checkhov, Anton. The Undiscovered Chekhov. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1998).
Chevalley, Silvie. Rachel en Amerique (La Societe d’Histoire du Theatre, 1957).
Clament, Clement. Sarah Bernhardt, Ses Debuts -- Sa Vie (Paris: Derveaux, 1879).
Cocteau, Jean. Portraits-souvenirs (Bernard Grasset, 1935).
Cocteau, Jean. Professional Secrets, translation by Richard Howard (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc., 1970).
Colette. Dernier Portrait (1944). An article in the program of a gala celebrating the hundredth anniversary of Sarah Bernhardt’s birth.
Colette. Mes Apprentissages (Paris, 1936).
Colette. La Naissance du jour (Paris, 1928).
Colombier, Marie. Affair Sarah Bernhardt - Marie Colombier - Pieces a Conviction (Paris, 1884).
Colombier, Marie. Les Memoirs de Sarah Barnum. (Paris: 1883).
Colombier, Marie. Le Voyage de Sarah Bernhardt en Amerique (Paris: C. Marpon et E. Flammarion: 1881).
Coppee, Francois. Souvenirs d’un Parisien (Paris: Lemerre, 1910).
Cowles, Virginia. Gay Monarch (New York: Harper & Bros., 1956).
Daudet, Alphonse. Pages Inedites de Critique Dramatique 1874-80 (Paris: Ernest Flammarion, 1922).
Daudet, Leon. Paris Vecu. (Gallimard, 1969).
De Costa, Caroline and Francesca Miller. The Diva and Dr. God: Letters from Sarah Bernhardt to Doctor Samuel Pozzi. (2010).
Delluc, Louis. Chez de Max (L’Edition, 1918).
Dent, Alan. (ed.), Bernard Shaw and Mrs. Patrick Campbell: their Correspondence (London: Gollancz,1952).
d’Heylli, Georges La Comedie-Francais a Londres (1871-1879) Journal inedit de E. Got et F. Sarcey (Paris: Ollendorf, 1880).
Dickinson, Stanley. Australasian Critic, Monthly Review of Literature, Science and Art: The Bernhardt Season, Melbourne, 1 July 1891.
Dijkstra, Bram. Idols of Perversity (Oxford: 1986).
Dorian, Sylvestre, ed. Oscar Wilde’s Letters to Sarah Bernhardt. Little Blue Book No. 664 (Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924).
Dorian, Sylvestre, ed. Sarah Bernhardt’s Love Letters to Sardou. Little Blue Book No. 665 (Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924).
Dorian, Sylvestre. Sarah Bernhardt As I knew Her. Volume I. Little Blue Book No. 666
(Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924).
Dorian, Sylvestre. Sarah Bernhardt As I knew Her. Volume II. Little Blue Book No. 667
(Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924).
Dorian, Sylvestre, ed. Sarah Bernhardt’s Love Letters to Sardou. I. Little Blue Book No. 665 (Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924).
Dorian, Sylvestre, trans. Sarah Bernhardt’s Philosophy of Love. Little Blue Book No. 675 (Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924).
Dorian, Sylvestre, trans. Sarah Bernhardt’s Love Letters to Pierre Berton. Little Blue Book No. 675 (Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924).
Dumas fils, Alexandre. Theatre complet, avec prefaces inedits (Paris, 1868-95).
Duckett, Victoria. Seeing Sarah Bernhardt: Performance and Silent Film (Champaign IL: University of Illinois Press, 2015
Dupont-Nivet, Jean. Sarah Bernhardt, trente Ans de Passion pour Belle-Ile-en-Mer (Paris: Jean Dupont-Nivet, 1973).
Dussanne, Beatrix. Dieux des Planches (Paris: Flammarion Collection “1900”).
Dussanne, Beatrix. Reines de Theatre. (Paris: H. Lardanchet).
Ellman, Richard. Oscar Wilde (London, 1987).
Emboden, William. Sarah Bernhardt (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1975).
Exhibitors Trade Review (November 22, 1919).
Faure, Paul. Vingt ans d’intimite avec Edmond Rostand (Paris: Plon, 1928).
Feinstein, Robert. In the Groove: Sarah Bernhardt and the Bettini Recording Legacy. Michigan: Antique Phonograph Society, 2002.
Feuillet, Mme. Octave. Souvenirs et Correspondances (Paris: Calmann Levy, 1896).
Field, Osgood. Uncensored Recollections (London, 1923).
Flaubert, Gustave. Letters, 1830-1857, 1857-1880, translated and edited by Francis
Steegmuller (London, 1979,1980).
Ford, Charles. Films in Review: Notes on a Dying Legend vol.5, no.10 (Lancaster, PA: National Board of Motion Pictures, Inc. (December, 1954).
France, Anatole. La Vie litteraire (Paris: Charpentier, 1926).
Fraser, Connie. Come to Dazzle: Sarah Bernhardt’s Australian Tour (Sydney: Currency Press, 1998).
Fraser, Sylvia. My Father’s House (New York, 1988).
Fulton, A. R. Motion Pictures: The Development of an Art (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980).
Gaillard, Roger. La Vie d’un Joueur (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1953).
Gallus, A, pseud. Arthur Wisner. Sarah Bernhardt: Her Artistic Life (New York: R. H. Russell, 1901).
Ganderax,Etienne. Souveniers de Theatre (Paris: Revue de Paris, III, 1930).
Gautier, Judith. Le Collier des jours; souvenirs de ma vie (Paris, 1902)
Gautier, Judith. Le Second Rang du Collier (Paris, 1903).
Geller, G.G. Sarah Bernhardt Divine Eccentric (New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1933).
Genty, Christian. Histoire du Theatre de L’Odeon (Paris: Fischbacher, 1981).
Georges-Michel, Michel. Un demi-siecle de Gloires Theatrales (Paris: Editions Andri Bonne, 1950).
Gerard, Rosemonde. Edmond Rostand (Paris, 1935).
Giacosa, Giuseppe. Impressioni d’America. (Milan, 1898).
Giebler, A.H. Moving Picture World: No Operation for Bernhardt New York: Chalmers, November 1918.
Gill, Andre. Vingt Ans de Paris (Paris, 1883).
Glass, Gaston. Movie Magazine: Sarah Bernhardt, a Memory New York: Movie Weekly Publishing Corp., January, 1926.
Glenn, Susan A. Female Spectacle (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000).
Gold, Arthur and Robert Fizdale. The Divine Sarah (New York: Knopf, 1991).
Got, Edmond. Journal (Paris: Plon, 1934).
Goncourt, Edmond de. La Faustin, edition definitive (Paris, 1962).
Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de. Journal 1851-95 vols 1-9 (Paris: 1887-1896).
Gosling, Nigel. Nadar (Alfred A. Knopf, 1976).
Gottlieb, Robert. Sarah: The Life of Sarah Bernhardt (Princeton: Yale University Press, 2010).
Grau, Robert. Picture Play Magazine: The Sarah Bernhardt of Today. New York: Street and Street Corporation, December, 1915.
Gregh, Ferdinand. l’Age d’or (Paris: Grasset, 1947).
Gribble, Francis. Rachel (London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1911).
Gros, Johannes. Alexandre Dumas and Marie Duplessis (Paris, 1923).
Guedella, Philip. The Second Empire (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1922).
Guitry, Sasha. Lucien Guitry, sa Carriere et Sa Vie (Coulouma, imprimeur, 1930).
Guitry, Sasha. Souvenirs: Si j’ai bonne memoire (Paris, 1934).
Hahn, Reynaldo. La Grande Sarah (Paris: Hachette, 1930).
Hahn, Reynaldo. Sarah Bernhardt (London: Elkin Matthews & Marrot, Ltd., 1932).
Hansen, Eric C. Ludovic Halevy - A study of frivolity and fatalism in Nineteenth-century France (Lanham, Maryland, 1987).
Harding, Colin and Simon Popple. In the Kingdom of Shadows: A Companion to the Early Cinema. (Teaneck, NH: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996).
Harding, James. Sacha Guitry (London: Methuen, 1968).
Hart, Jerome A. Sardou and the Sardou Plays (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1928).
Hartoy, Maurice d’. Dumas fils Inconnu (Paris, 1966).
Hawthorn, Ramon. Our Lady of the Snows: Sarah Bernhardt in Canada (New York: Peter Lang, 1996).
Hegermann-Lindencrone, Lillie de (Lillie Moulton). In the Courts of Memory (Harper & Bros., 1912).
Hegermann-Lindencrone, Lillie de (Lillie Moulton) The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life (Harper & Bros., 1914).
Hillard-Hughes, Albert. Sarah Bernhardt on the Screen New York: Film Fan Monthly, 1969.
Hillard-Hughes, Albert. The Silent Picture: Bernhardt on the Screen. New York: Summer, 1970.
Hollinghead, John. Gaiety Chronicles (London: Westminster Archibald Constable & Co., 1898).
Houssaye, Arsene. Les Confessions: Souvenirs d’un demi-siecle 1830-1880, vols 1-VI (Geneva, reprinted 1971).
Huddleston, Sisley. Paris Salons, Cafes, Studios (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1928).
Humphrey, Nick and Daniel C. Dennett. Speaking for Ourselves: An Assessment of Multiple Personality Disorder (Raritan, New Brunswick, 1989).
Huret, Jules. Loges et Coulisses (Paris: Editions de la Refue Blanche, 1901).
Huret, Jules. Sarah Bernhardt (London: Chapman & Hall: 1899).
Izard, Forrest. Sarah Bernhardt: An Appreciation (New York: Sturgis & Walton, 1915).
James, Alice. The Diary of Alice James ed. Leon Edel (London, 1965).
James, Henry. The Parisian Sketches (New York University Press, 1957).
James, Henry. The Scenic Art (New Brunswick: Hart-Davis, 1949).
James, Henry. The Tragic Muse (London, 1890).
Jarry, Alfred. Ubu, ed. Noel Arnaud (Paris, 1978).
Jones, Ernest. Sigmund Freud, 3 vols. (London: 1953-58).
Julian, Phillipe. Robert de Montesquiou, un Prince 1900 (Paris: Librarie Academique Perrin, 1965).
Julian, Phillipe. Sarah Bernhardt (Paris: Editions Ballard, 1977).
Keim, Albert. Le Demi-Siecle (Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1950).
Knepler, Henry. The Guilded Stage (London: Constable, 1968).
Kobler, John. American Heritage: Bernhardt in America. July August 1989.
Koszarski, RIchard. An Evening’s Entertainment (Berkeley: The University of Cambridge Press, 1990).
Lanco, Yvonne. Belle-Isle-Sur-Mer: Sarah Bernhardt Souvenirs (Paris: Les Nouvelles Edition Debresse, 1961).
Langtry, Lillie. (Lady de Bathe) The Days I Knew (London: Hutchinson, 1925).
Lauw, Louisa. Fourteen Years with Adelina Patti, Translated by Clare Brune (London: Remington, 1884).
Le Cinema. (Washington: The Motion Picture Guild, 1927).
Lemaitre, Jules. Les Contemporains, Vols. 2, 3, 5 , 6 (Paris: Lecene et Oudin, 1886, 1891, 1892).
Lemaitre, Jules. Literary Impressions (London: Daniel O’Connor, 1921).
Lesburg, Sandy. The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt (New York: Peebles Press International, 1977).
Le Theatre et Comedie Illustre: Sarah Bernhardt. June, 1923.
Leyda, Jay and Charles Mussur. Before Hollywood. (New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1987).
Lorrain, Jean. Du Temps que les Betes Parlaient (Paris: Editions Courrier Francais, n.d.)
Loti, Pierre. Journal Intime, 1878-81 (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1925).
Louys, Pierre. Journal Intime, 1882-91 (Paris: Editions Montaigne, Auber, 1929).
Lucas, Reginald. Lord Glenesk and the ‘Morning Post’ (London: Alston Rivers, 1910).
Lugne-Poe, Aurelien. La parade: Souvenirs et Impressions de Theatre (Paris: Gallimard, 1930-1933).
Lynch, Arthur. Human Documents (London: Dobell, 1896).
Macgowan, Kenneth. Behind the Screen (New York: Delacorte Press, 1965).
Magnus, Philip. King Edward the Seventh. (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1964).
Mamoulian, Rouben. Theatre Arts: Bernhardt vs Duse. September, 1957.
Manifold, Gay. George Sand’s Theatre Career (Ann Arbor, 1985).
Mapes, Victor. Duse and the French (New York, 1898).
Marks, Patricia. “‘Sal’ Bernhardt and the men about town.” American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism & Bibliography. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1991).
Marks, Patricia. Sarah Bernhardt’s First American Theatrical Tour (London; McFarland & Company, Inc., 2003).
Marquet, Mary. Ce Que J’ose Dire (Paris: Jacques Grancher, 1977).
Marois, Andre. Olympio ou La Vie de Victor Hugo (Paris: Hachette, 1954).
Marois, Andre. Victor Hugo (London: Jonathan Cape, 1956).
Marois, Andre. Les Trois Dumas (Paris: Hachette, 1957).
Martin Harvey, Sir John. The Autobiography of Sir John Martin Harvey (London: Sampson Low, 1933).
McKinlay, Brian. It is ze Art to Flop, the Australian tour of Sarah Bernhardt in Masque, 1971, p.39, reprinted as The divine Sarah took Australia by Storm in Sunday Review, 8 November, 1970.
Melba, Nellie. Melodies and Memories (New York: George H. Doran Cp., 1926).
Mendes, Catulle, L’Art au Theatre 1895, 1896 (Paris: Charpentier, 1897).
Menefee, David W. The First Female Stars of the Silent Era (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2004).
Menefee, David. Sarah Bernhardt in the Theatre of Films and Sound Recordings (London: McFarland & Co. Inc., 2003).
Menefee, David. Sarah Bernhardt Her Films Her Recordings (Dallas: Menefee Publishing Inc., 2012).
Metcalfe, Cranstoun. Peeresses of the Stage (London, 1913).
Meyer, Arthur. Ce que mes yeux ont vu (Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie, 1911).
Meyer, Arthur. Ce que je peux dire (Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie, 1912).
Montesquiou, Comte Robert de. Les Pas effaces: Memoires (Paris, 1923).
Moreno, Marguerite. Souvenirs de ma Vie (Paris: Editions de Flore, 1948).
Mortier, Arnold. Les Soirees Parisiennes, 1874-1882 (Paris: Dentu 1874-1883).
Motion Picture Review. New York: Brewster, November 22, 1919.
Mounet-Sully, Jean. Souvenirs d’un Tragedien (Paris: Editions Pierre Lafutte, 1917).
Mucha, Jiri. Alphonse Maria Mucha (London: Academy Editions, 1989).
Moving Picture World: Adrienne Lecouvreur. New York: Chalmers, February, 1913.
Moving Picture World: Bernhardt and Rejane. New York: Chalmers, February, 1912.
Moving Picture World: Bernhardt conquers New World. New York: Chalmers, March, 1912.
Moving Picture World: Bernhardt Exclusively with Societe Film D’Art. New York: Chalmers, March, 1912.
Moving Picture World: Bernhardt Invited to Be Guest of Honor at Anniversary Celebration of First Feature. New York: Chalmers, February, 1922.
Moving Picture World: Bernhardt Now Partly American. New York: Chalmers, December, 1915.
Moving Picture World: Bernhardt’s Last Year on the Screen. New York: Chalmers, October, 1915.
Moving Picture World: Eclair Presents Mme. Bernhardt in Pictures. New York: Chalmers, November, 1911.
Moving Picture World: It Happened in Paris. New York: Chalmers, January, 1920.
Moving Picture World: Murray to Manage Bernhardt. New York: Chalmers, October, 1916.
Moving Picture World: Rights to Mother of France Unsold. New York: Chalmers, February, 1917.
Moving Picture World: Sarah Bernhardt at Home. New York: Chalmers, July, 1915.
Moving Picture World: Sarah Bernhardt Pleased with Pictures. New York: Chalmers, September, 1912.
New York Times Encyclopedia of Film. (New York: Times Books, 1984).
Noble, Iris. Great Lady of the Theatre: Sarah Bernhardt (New York: Julian Messner, 1960).
Nordi, Hules. Edmond Rostand et l’Aiglon (Paris: Dechenne, 1900).
Ockman, Carol and Kenneth E. Silver, Sarah Bernhardt: The Art of High Drama (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005).
Painter, G. Marcel Proust, 2 vols. (London, 1959-65).
Pearson, Heskweth. Oscar Wilde (New York: Harper and Bros., 1946).
Peters, Margot. Mrs. Pat: The Life of Mrs. Patrick Campbell (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984).
Pictorial Australian: ‘Madame Bernhardt,’ August 1889.
Pierrefeux, Guy de. Madame Quand Meme, Sarah Bernhardt, edited by D. Chabas (Mont-de-Marson, 1920).
Polnay, Peter de. Sarah Bernhardt (Geneva: Heron Books, 1970).
Porel, Jacques. Fils de Rejane. Souvenirs. (Paris: Plon, 1951).
Pougy, Liane de. My Blue Notebooks, tr. Diana Athill (London, 1977).
Pougy, Liane de. Idylle saphique, 1901. New edition (Paris, 1979).
Pratt, George. Spellbound in Darkness. (Greenwich: University of Rochester, 1966).
Preston, Kerriston (ed.). Letters from Graham Robertson (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1953).
Primoli, Count Joseph. Pages inedites (Rome, 1959).
Pronier, Ernest. Sarah Bernhardt (Geneva: Alex Jullien, n.d.).
Pronier, Ernest. Une Vie au Theatre (Geneva: Alex Jullien, 1941).
Proust, Marcel. Remembrance of Things Past, translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin (New York: Random House, 1981).
Ramsate, Terry. A Million and One Nights. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1926).
Renard, Jules. Journal 1887-1910 (Paris: Bernouard, 1925-1927).
Rene, Jeanne and Charles Ford. Histoire Encyclopedia du Cinema (Paris, 1947).
Renner, A.L. Sarah Bernhardt. Artist and Woman (New York: Blanck, 1896).
Richardson, Joanna. La Vie Parisienne (New York: Viking Press, 1971).
Richardson, Joanna. Sarah Bernhardt (London: Max Reinhardt, 1959).
Richardson, Johanna. Sarah Bernhardt and Her World (London, 1977).
Richardson, Joanna. Theophile Gautier - His Life and Times (London: Reinhardt, 1958).
Richardson, Joanna. The Courtesans: The demi-monde in nineteenth-century France (London, 1967).
Ripert, Emile. Edmond Rostand, Sa Vie et Son Oevre (Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1968).
Robertson, W. Graham. Time Was: Reminiscences (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1931).
Robins, Elizabeth. North American Review: On Seeing Madame Bernhardt’s Hamlet. December, 1900.
Roberts, Mary Louise. Disruptive Acts (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2002).
Rolland, Romain. Gabriele d’Annunzio et la Duse (Paris: Les Oeuvres libres. No. 20 Fayard, 1947).
Rostand, Maurice. Confession d’un demi-siecle (Paris: Jeune Parque, 1948).
Rostand, Maurice. Sarah Bernhardt (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1950).
Rothenstein, William. Men and Memories (New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1931).
Row, Arthur William. Sarah the Divine (New York: Comet Press Books, 1957).
Rueff, Suze. I Knew Sarah Bernhardt. (London: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1951).
Sarcey, Francisque. La Comedie-Francaise (Paris: Librarie de Bibliophiles 1876).
Sarcey, Francisque. Quarante ans de Theatre, vol. 1-8 (Paris; Bibliotheque des Annales politiques et litteraires, 1900-1902).
Sardou, Victorien. Les Papiers de Victorien Sardou, ed. G Mouly (Paris: Albin Michel, 1934).
Scott, Clement. Some Notable ‘Hamlets’ of the Present Time (London: Greening, 1905).
Seigel, Jerrold. Bohemian Paris (New York: Penguin Books, 1986).
Shaw, G.B. Bernhardt and Duse, 15 June 1895 in Our Theatre in the Nineties (London, Constable and Company, 1932).
Shaw, George Bernard. Dramatic Opinions and Essays Volume I (London: Brentano, 1909).
Salmon, Eric. Bernhardt and the Theatre of Her Time (London: Greenwood Press, 1984).
Schwartz, Vanessa. Spectacular Realities (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999).
Silverthorne, Elizabeth. Sarah Bernhardt (Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2004).
Skinner, Cornelia Otis. Madame Sarah (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1967).
Slout, William L. Theatre in a Tent (Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1972).
Snel, Harmen. The Ancestry of Sarah Bernhardt: A Myth Unraveled. (Amsterdam: Joods Historisch Museum. 2005).
Stephens, Winifred. Madame Adam (Paris: P. Ollendorf, 1883).
Stokes, John, Michael Booth, and Susan Bassnett. The Actress in Her Time. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988).
Suberville, Jean. le Theatre d’Edmond Rostand (Paris: Editions et librairies, 1919).
Symons, Arthur. Eleonora Duse. (Duffield, 1927).
Tarnow, Gerda. Sarah Bernhardt: The Art Within the Legend (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press: 1972).
Tellegen, Lou. Women Have Been Kind. (New York: Vanguard Press, 1931).
Terry, Ellen. Memoirs (London: Victor Gollancz, Ltd., 1933).
Terry, Ellen. The Story of My Life (London: Hutchinson, 1908).
Thomas, Elizabeth Finley. Ladies, Lovers and Other People (New York: Longmans Green & Co., 1935)
Tierchant, Hélène. Sarah Bernhardt: Scandaleuse et indomptable (Paris: Tallandier, 2009)
Toussaint du Vast, Nicole. Rachel (Paris: Stock, 1980).
Trichet, Henry. Amours et Plaisirs de Paris au XIXe Siecle (Librairie Astra, n.d.).
Trischler. Madame Sarah Bernhardt in Dramatic Yearbook for the Year Ending December 31st 1891 (London, 1892).
Valmy-Baysse, Jean. Naissance et Vie de la Comedie Francaise (Floury, 1945).
Van Loan, H.H. Motion Picture Magazine: The Divine Sarah. January, 1916.
Variety. New York (New York: Garland, 1983).
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