

Donors receive rewards based on levels of giving.

Crowdfunding party hosts may arrange for party favors for those who attend their event.


Social Media Shout Out $15

Three Sarah Bernhardt Postcards (replicas of movie posters in film) (4x6) $60

T-shirt $120 (s, m, l, x-large)

Bernhardt on Broadway songs, download link $150

Original Script, download link $200

Carol Dunitz as Sarah Bernhardt Photo (in costume), signed $350

Visit with Carol on zoom (20 Min) $500

Photo of cast in costume, signed $600

Movie Poster, signed by Carol Dunitz $750

45 Minute Coaching Session over zoom (writing, speaking, performance) $1000

Script, bound and signed by the cast $2500

Song Book, music, chords and lyrics, bound and signed by Carol Dunitz $3500

Four coaching sessions over zoom (one hour each) $4000

Patron Levels for Credits Actors Circle $5000, Directors Circle $10,000, Producers Circle $15,000

Private Screening before release (does not include travel or lodging) $30,000

Special Guest - Lunch on Set w/ Director & Cast (not including travel and lodging) $50,000

Special Guest - Half Day with lunch on Set with Director and Cast (not including travel and lodging) $65,000

Presentation at your party – Carol sings all 15 songs from movie in person (includes travel and lodging) $75,000

Presentation at your party – Carol sings all 11 songs and does dramatic reading from stage production (includes travel and lodging) $85,000

Invitation to Wrap Party $90,000

Walk-on or non-speaking part in film $100,000

Two VIP tickets to premiere of film and after party $135,000

Executive Producer credit $200,000

Corporate Sponsorships

Executive Producer credit as well as large blocks of tickets to the movie and other incentives to be delivered at different levels.





Bronze “In Kind”